NURS 6051 Nursing research

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  • Review the concepts of technology application as presented in the Resources.
  • Reflect on how emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence may help fortify nursing informatics as a speciality by leading to increased impact on patient outcomes or patient care efficiencies.

The Assignment: (4-5 pages, not including the title and reference page)

In a 4- to 5-page project proposal written to the leadership of your healthcare organization, propose a nursing informatics project for your organization that you advocate to improve patient outcomes or patient-care efficiency. Your project proposal should include the following:

  • Describe the project you propose.
  • Identify the stakeholders impacted by this project.
  • Explain the patient outcome(s) or patient-care efficiencies this project is aimed at improving and explain how this improvement would occur. Be specific and provide examples.
  • Identify the technologies required to implement this project and explain why.
  • Identify the project team (by roles) and explain how you would incorporate the nurse informaticist into the project team.
  • Use APA format and include a title page and reference page.
  • Use the Safe Assign Drafts to check your match percentage before submitting your work.

Describe the project you propose.

Healthcare technologies are rapidly advancing, and nursing informatics is critical in enhancing patient outcomes and care quality. The proposed project focuses on improving the patient-care efficiency of a hospital using nursing informatics. The objective is to develop an electronic health record (EHR) system that enhances the accessibility, accuracy, and timeliness of patient data among caregivers.

The project will consist of two primary components: implementing an EHR system to replace the current paper-based record-keeping system and developing a mobile application that enables nurses to access patient data remotely via their smartphones or tablets.

The EHR system will be designed with functionalities such as medication management, clinical decision support systems (CDSS), and capturing real-time vital signs. This functionality would reduce the risk of medication administration errors and improve communication between doctors and nurses regarding medication orders.

Additionally, the CDSS component of the EHR would provide real-time alerts for drug interactions or duplicate orders. Moreover, the mobile application will be developed with functionalities allowing nurses to access patient information from any location within the hospital securely.

Nurses can also enter real-time patient care progress updates directly into the EHR from their mobile devices. This feature would reduce unnecessary wait times for patients needing immediate attention while simultaneously reducing overlaying documentation for caregivers.

The proposed project aims at improving healthcare quality by enhancing accessibility and accuracy in recording patient data while simultaneously reducing caregiver workloads through innovative technology solutions. Through this initiative, we hope to demonstrate how advanced nursing informatics could positively improve patient outcomes and healthcare delivery models in other hospitals with similar setups.

Identify the stakeholders impacted by this project.

Identifying the stakeholders impacted by a nursing informatics project is crucial in ensuring the success and sustainability of the project. It is essential to identify all internal and external stakeholders who the project may impact. The following are some of the stakeholders affected by a nursing informatics project aimed at improving patient outcomes or patient-care efficiency:

Firstly, patients are the primary stakeholders in any healthcare setting. They are directly impacted by any changes made to improve patient outcomes or patient-care efficiency.

The proposed nursing informatics project should improve their experience while receiving care, decrease their wait times, increase access to information about their care plan, and ultimately achieve better health outcomes. Secondly, nurses play a critical role in delivering quality healthcare services.

As such, they are also significant stakeholders affected by this proposed project. The success of this endeavour depends on their adoption and effective use of any new technology introduced into their workflow.

Nurses must be involved in designing and implementing the technology application to ensure it meets their needs while aligning with clinical standards. Thirdly, hospital administrators are vital in overseeing all aspects of hospital operations.

They are interested in streamlining processes to improve efficiencies that result in cost savings without compromising patient safety or outcome quality. Hospital administrators must provide resources to train staff on using new technologies effectively.

Additionally, physicians who work at these facilities must also be considered vital stakeholders because they interact with patients daily; thus, changes will directly affect how they provide care for patients under different circumstances. Identifying all stakeholders involved in a proposed nursing informatics project is crucial for successfully implementing and adopting new technologies to improve patient health outcomes or increase healthcare efficiency within any facility.

Explain the patient outcome(s) or patient-care efficiencies this project is aimed at improving and explain how this improvement would occur. Be specific and provide examples.

The proposed nursing informatics project aims to improve patient outcomes and enhance the efficiency of care delivery. The project targets two primary areas: communication and medication administration.

The proposed project's primary objective is to reduce medication administration errors and communication breakdowns that often occur between healthcare professionals, leading to poor patient outcomes. By minimizing these errors, the project will improve patient safety and provide better health outcomes.

One way in which this project aims to achieve its objectives is by implementing a computerized physician order entry (CPOE) system. The CPOE system will provide a streamlined process for physicians to enter orders directly into the patient's electronic medical record (EMR).

This system eliminates the need for handwritten or verbal orders, reducing potential misinterpretations that could lead to adverse drug events or medication errors. Moreover, the CPOE system provides an automated alert mechanism that notifies physicians of possible interactions or adverse effects associated with medications prescribed for a specific patient.

This project proposes implementing a clinical messaging platform that enables secure real-time messaging between clinicians to improve communication between healthcare professionals. This platform can be integrated with EMR systems and provides an efficient mechanism for healthcare providers, including nurses and physicians, to electronically communicate vital information about patients' care plans, treatment concerns, laboratory results, allergies and other essential health information.

This approach bypasses time-consuming phone calls or written documents like faxes by enabling instant transmitting of critical information in real-time across various care settings. This nursing informatics project uses barcode scanning technology to enhance medication administration efficiency.

This technology ensures that only authorized medications are administered at scheduled times using barcode scanning machines attached to medication carts or infused through IV pumps linked with EMR systems. By using barcode scanning technology during medication administration processes throughout various units within hospital settings such as intensive care units(ICU), emergency departments(ED) etc., there is higher accuracy in administering medications, leading to fewer medication errors and improved patient outcomes.

Identify the technologies required to implement this project and explain why.

To successfully implement a nursing informatics project, it is crucial to identify and utilize the appropriate technologies. The following are some of the technologies that may be required to implement such a project:

1. Electronic Medical Record (EMR) System: EMR systems enable healthcare providers to quickly access patient information such as medical history, test results, and medication lists. Using an EMR system in the proposed project, nurses can soon document clinical data and retrieve patient information.

This technology can also provide decision support tools to aid in making accurate diagnoses and choosing the most appropriate treatment plans.

2. Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE): CPOE systems allow healthcare providers to enter medication orders and other laboratory tests electronically instead of relying on paper forms or verbal orders.

By implementing this technology in the proposed project, nurses can reduce medication errors by providing real-time alerts for drug interactions or dosing errors.

3. Patient Monitoring Systems: Implementing patient monitoring systems can help ensure patients receive timely interventions.

These systems can remotely monitor vital signs such as blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, and oxygen saturation levels using sensors attached to patients' bodies or from bedside monitors that transmit data directly into the EMR system. Other technologies required for your nursing informatics project include telehealth platforms for remote consultations with physicians or specialists in different locations, mobile health applications that allow patients to access their medical records and communicate with their healthcare providers, and barcode scanning technology for accurately tracking medications.

It is essential to consider these technologies when identifying requirements for your nursing informatics project because they have been proven effective in improving patient outcomes by reducing medication errors, improving communication between healthcare teams, increasing efficiency, and capturing accurate data collection and analysis, among others benefits associated with their use in a healthcare setting. It is also essential to evaluate which specific technologies are best suited for your context based on budget constraints, technological infrastructure, and user needs.

Identify the project team (by roles) and explain how you would incorporate the nurse informaticist into the project team.

The success of a nursing informatics project relies heavily on a well-rounded and knowledgeable project team.

The members of this team must bring expertise from varying healthcare sectors, including nursing, IT, and operations. The roles within this team are pivotal to ensuring all aspects of the project are addressed, developed, and deployed efficiently.

The core members of the project team include a project manager, clinical analysts, technical analysts, and subject matter experts (SMEs). The project manager is responsible for overseeing all aspects of the plan development lifecycle (PDLC) and its implementation while ensuring it meets all regulatory standards.

Clinical analysts will work closely with nurses to identify areas where technology can streamline workflows while improving patient outcomes; they will also develop test plans to ensure that systems meet clinical requirements once deployed. Technical analysts will be responsible for developing software interfaces between medical devices and electronic health record systems (EHRs) while ensuring security protocols are always maintained.

SMEs will bring their knowledge on specific topics such as medication administration or data analytics. Incorporating nurse informaticists into the project team is critical as they have expert knowledge of nursing workflows and system applications.

They can provide valuable insights on integrating technology without significantly disrupting existing workflows while enhancing patient outcomes. Nurse informaticists can also assist with user acceptance testing by validating that proposed solutions align with clinical needs while helping in training which promotes adoption across various healthcare settings.

By involving them early in the PDLC process and with other stakeholders such as physicians or administrators, we ensure solutions integrate smoothly into current operations rather than unnecessarily disrupting them. 6. Conclusion

Leveraging nursing informatics technologies can significantly improve patient care efficiency leading to better patient outcomes through streamlined workflows and more accurate data collection methods, resulting in improved decision-making. However, the success of these projects is contingent upon specific decision-making frameworks, project timelines, and team member expertise.

It's critical to have a well-rounded project team that can bring expertise from various healthcare sectors and nurse informaticists who can provide valuable insights throughout the PDLC process. Having all stakeholders involved from the beginning of a project plan development lifecycle ensures efficient implementation while minimizing resistance to change and promoting adoption across various healthcare settings.


As healthcare continues evolving, so does the need for technology-based solutions to improve patient outcomes and care efficiencies. The nursing informatics project proposed in this article exemplifies how technology can be leveraged to achieve these goals.

By using a combination of electronic health records (EHRs), barcode medication administration, and automated vital sign monitoring, this project seeks to streamline care delivery while reducing patient harm. The stakeholders impacted by this project include healthcare providers, patients, and hospital administrators.

Healthcare providers will experience increased efficiency in their workflows and more accurate tracking of patient information. Patients will benefit from improved quality of care that results from fewer medical errors and better monitoring of their vitals.

Hospital administrators will see reduced costs due to decreased lengths of stay and lowered risk of adverse events. Overall, the proposed nursing informatics project has the potential to improve patient outcomes while streamlining care delivery processes significantly.

By leveraging technology with a strong project team, including nurse informaticists, healthcare organizations can take advantage of cutting-edge solutions that help them provide optimal patient care. As the field continues to innovate with new technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning, it is clear that the future holds even more tremendous promise for using nursing informatics projects as a key driver in improving patient outcomes across all areas of healthcare delivery.

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"NURS 6051 Nursing research." WriterSearch.com - Accessed May 14, 2024. https://writersearch.com/questions/nurs-6051-nursing-research/
"NURS 6051 Nursing research." WriterSearch.com [Online]. Available: https://writersearch.com/questions/nurs-6051-nursing-research/. [Accessed: May 14, 2024]

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