Read Description Week 8 Discussion Response

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Respond to all 6 students discussion with 100-word minimum

Due Sunday, JUNE 25, 2023

Must Read: 

**Please write response as a direct response to the classmate. Please don't write the response addressing the student as a third person. Correct way to response...... 

***Example: Hi James I agree with you and so on..... 

****Example: Please DO NOT say According to Ashley. Because we're supposed to respond directly to the student.


***************Social and Emotional*********************************************

What is one thing that stood out to you in the content presented in this course? Why?

One thing that stood out to me in this course was the SEL toolkit. I appreciate structure and strategy, which provides counselors with guidance to achieve more lasting and meaningful outcomes, effectively advocate school and community stakeholders for investing in SEL and develop your strategic plan that fits the classroom needs and school. (Gueldner, p.23) The counselors at each level can determine which age-appropriate curriculum to teach so students can comprehend the lesson and effectively implement social and emotional tools.

How can you apply what you learned this week to your career?

A blog from this week's assigned reading, "Multi-Tiered, Multi-Domain System of Support by Trish Hatch PhD., reminded me of the tiers of support I will utilize in my career.

Tier 1 – is a core program that universally supports all students through curriculum, individual planning, and schoolwide events. For example, all students participate in activities that make the school a healthier, kinder, and more inclusive place during kindness week, like donating books to a clothes drive.

Tier 2 – a more targeted intervention, reaches about 20% of students experiencing barriers to education and falling behind. These students are identified for many reasons, such as behavior, low grades, and attendance rates. The education team monitors the short-term progress of the student after a plan is implemented for change.

Tier 3 – is a more intensive intervention that reaches about 5-10% of students. (Hatch, 2017)

This reminder is crucial as I work towards preparing a curriculum for students needing more specialized support.

What topics/items from the course would you like to explore further? Why?

I want to explore how high school counselors address their students' social and emotional health. I have seen these principles implemented at the elementary level by teaching social and emotional curriculum in the classroom, in small groups in the calming room, and through individual counseling. I am interested in learning which positive and negative reinforcements encourage high school students to improve their behaviors or grades.

Response 2- Amelia

  • What is one thing that stood out to you in the content presented in this course? Why?

The most important thing that stood out to me in this course and that I saw this past week at the elementary school I was at is the importance of SEL lessons in the classroom, every class that we presented in spoke to us after about how that feel these SEL lessons are important and some even have plans to start incorporating SEL in their daily lesson plans. Students need more support than just education, schools have become more than that. They might not see appropriate behaviors at home or might not learn to deal with feeling and emotions properly and these are important life skills we can help provide. 

  • How can you apply what you learned this week to your career?

Incorporating lessons across all grade spans is important. I have seen that as a school counselor I will be able to incorporate these mainly in K-8. Unfortunately, in the High Schools there are either not enough counselors or the main focuses is college and career readiness. 

  • What topics/items from the course would you like to explore further? Why?

The topic that stood out to me in this course was in week 7 SE and Alternative environments. One of my assigned schools is the continuation school. This is where kids who are at risk of dropping out go to try and make up credits. The graduation rate is low and these are also students who don't have as much support at home as some of our successful students. They have recently implemented a CARE team at this school that is made up of Admin. School counselor, MFT and PBIS. I get a lot of calls and email about re-engaging these students and parents in school. I have been able to get a few to come back and graduate after numerous attempts and being able to make parent contact with the student present. That parent contact is the major difference. In the article I read the started implementing SEL lessons and SEL groups on campus and have had great success. (Wall & Harrison, 2022) This is something that I would like to bring forward to this school and try to implement. 

***************Practicum II *********************************************

Response 3- Kayla

Describe your experiences working with special education students. 

I have had a variety of experiences working with students that have special needs. Students of various ages, skill levels, and backgrounds. As a substitute, I frequently work in SPED classrooms with aides. As a result, I have experience supporting these aides in the classroom and ensuring that all students are getting the best education possible. Depending on the school site and the degree of support the student needs, sometimes my experiences will be different. I might have several students in a classroom all day, or I may see the students throughout the day in small groups for extra support in areas of academic need. I did a long-term sub job for a special needs class where I would have small groups throughout the day to either work on math or reading/phonics. During this time, I encouraged the students and kept them interested during our sessions by giving them praise and using positive reinforcement. To further solidify concepts, I also offered worksheets and visual aids like flashcards. After several weeks of steady work, the students were able to show progress and move up levels. Seeing their development and knowing that I had a hand in assisting them in reaching this goal gave me a wonderful feeling of accomplishment. Managing each student's unique needs is one of the most difficult components of working with special education children. Every student has different learning preferences, skill sets, and challenges that must be taken into consideration if they are to succeed. 

Because of my position the students take some time to warm up to me. Often, for special education students, they thrive on routine and familiarity. So, if I come across a student who does not want to work with me, I first take the time to listen to a student if they were having a difficult day. It is critical to comprehend their feelings and any potential causes behind them. After listening, I would try to devise a strategy that benefits both of us. Giving the student some space or suggesting a different activity might make them feel more at ease. It is vital to exhibit empathy and compassion when coping with challenging circumstances. Also, I want to foster an atmosphere where students feel valued and comfortable.

Response 3- Marlene

What practices would you like to research further? Why? In what areas or topics would you like to receive Professional Development?

One aspect of counseling I want to learn and research more is on school events. At the site I was at they did events monthly. It was as small as lunch bunch where kids came in to eat with counselors. To bigger scales such as event for year book signing and dances. These in school events were very neat to be a part of an experience. The kids were very excited not just to be out of class but to be involved in school activities. 

The site I was at also worked with resources outside of the school. They worked with a community based partnership with the city that hosted events, such as the Take Down Tobacco. They came during lunch and provided information, music, and even drunk goggles for all the students to try. I want to be able to build these relationship and events for the school. This would allow students to be more involved in school. It reminds me of picking colleges. You search for a great one based off academics, programs, and events. I want the students of my site to feel proud of their school but also connected as well.

***************Professional *********************************************

Response 5- Jaqueline

What stood out to me is just how much I can be learning. There are so many laws and such that can back us up as counselors should we receive push back. There’s also a lot that we need to abide by so that we don’t go against any rights and privacy act, etc. It can be a lot of information, but it is so helpful and important to learn about. I feel like it would be beneficial to see it more in action and gain further experiences. It can be a little overwhelming, but I want it get to a point where it almost comes naturally to me and I can be really on top of everything. I want to gather as much knowledge as possible to be the best school counselor I can be.

This week and previously, I have learned that there are many cases that can come your way and it’s imperative that you take care of things in an ethical and legal way. There are, unfortunately, grey areas and times where you’ll need to check with the law, school policies, and others in the field to figure out the best approach. One of the case studies listed for our review was involving FERPA, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. Now that I’ve learned some more about this act that ensures “the disclosure of a student’s ‘protected information’ to a third party (...) whether it is made by hand delivery, verbally, fax, mail, or electronic transmission” is not allowed, I can refer to it as necessary. (Hlavac & Easterly, 2015). As a school counselor, I will definitely have to protect student information to the best of my ability, not leaving anything lying around where others can view educational, personal, or directory information. If I’m on top of things as much as possible, then I’ll have less issues with this. Still, a case can be made if someone believes their student’s information was leaked without permission and I’ll need to apply what I’ve learned and what I can gather more on to help the case and not get sued.

Besides the above, I like that there was a lesson on the transgender and gender expansive individuals of the LGBTQ+ community. I definitely would like to explore that further and be able to put into practice the techniques and tips they had to keep them safe and mentally and emotionally supported. I feel like it’s such an unfair thing to be discriminated against, since they can’t even do anything about it and should just be accepted as they are. It goes along with supporting any other aspect of one’s self identity, like their religion, ethnic background, and even hobbies. School should be a safe space for all students, so if I can help with that, then I want to. I wouldn’t feel like I was fulfilling my role to its fullest extent if I didn’t address all student issues and use every resource I had. If I could learn more about the laws and resources at my disposal, then I could do that. It was the first thing we went over in this class and then coincidentally, my stepchild just identified as a transgender individual, coming out to us at the beginning of last week. I have been doing everything I can to support and help him. It’s not easy for everyone and I want to at least try to make everything a little better, especially for someone who can struggle with mental and emotional health. I’m so glad he has myself and his father and others who are able to accept him, even if it’s a process. Still, not everyone is as on board as us and I know that for other student situations, it can be even worse. For some, their school counselor is their only or at least main support. I’m happy to be that though, because I don’t want anyone to feel alone or like who they are is bad and should be fixed.

Response 6- Cynthia

  • What is one thing that stood out to you in the content presented in this course? Why?

One thing that stood out to me was that fact of realizing how emotionally challenging being a counselor can be.  Knowing that I have the burden to report a suspected child abuse can be emotionally draining.  And what if there is no actual abuse?  I have to report anyways to protect the student’s safety.  Another thing that stood out was that I never realized that I would be dealing with students with disabilities.  Of course, it is expected, but I never realized all that entails to support this sector of the student body. 

  • How can you apply what you learned this week to your career?

I’m glad I have learned there are a lot of recourses for counselors to provide great support and to advocate for students.  I feel more confident and gain a little bit more knowledge in the area of LGBTQ.  I’m glad we learned about the changes that have taken place in schools recently.  In this subject too, there are a lot of resources available for us to make sure we don’t do a disservice to this community.

  • What topics/items from the course would you like to explore further? Why?

I would like to explore and learn more about FERPA and Title IX to make sure I follow the law.  I feel it can be intimidating, if we are not informed about the details and little things can be considered a violation of these Acts.

Sample Answer

Response 2 - Amelia:

Hi Amelia, I agree with you that incorporating social and emotional learning (SEL) lessons in the classroom is incredibly important. Many students may not be receiving appropriate social and emotional support at home, so it's crucial for schools to provide these skills and resources. I also agree that it can be more challenging to implement SEL in high schools, where there may be a greater focus on college and career readiness. However, I believe that high school students can still greatly benefit from SEL, especially as they navigate the challenges of adolescence and transition to adulthood. Exploring positive reinforcement strategies and interventions that are effective for high school students would be a great topic to explore further. Additionally, finding ways to engage parents and caregivers in supporting their teenager's social and emotional health could also be beneficial.

Response 3 - Kayla:

Hi Kayla, it's great to hear about your experiences working with special education students. It sounds like you have had a wide range of experiences, from working with students of different ages and skill levels to supporting aides in the classroom. It's wonderful that you have been able to see the progress and development of the students you have worked with, and how your support has made a difference. Managing each student's unique needs can be challenging, but it sounds like you have been able to tailor your approaches to meet their individual learning preferences and challenges. Creating an atmosphere where students feel valued and comfortable is so important, and it's clear that you have been able to create that for the students you work with.

Response 3 - Marlene:

Hi Marlene, I think it's great that you want to explore more about incorporating school events and community partnerships into your career as a counselor. School events can be a wonderful way to engage students and create a sense of pride and connection within the school community. It's also fantastic that you are interested in forming partnerships with community organizations to provide additional resources and support for your students. It sounds like you have already seen the positive impact that these types of events and partnerships can have on student engagement and success. Further research and professional development in these areas would definitely be beneficial in expanding your skills and knowledge.

Response 5 - Jaqueline:

Hi Jaqueline, I agree with you that there is so much to learn as a school counselor, and it can sometimes feel overwhelming. However, having knowledge of laws and regulations can be incredibly important in ensuring that you are practicing ethically and legally. It's great that you want to gather as much knowledge as possible to be the best school counselor you can be. I also think it's wonderful that you want to learn more and put into practice techniques and tips for supporting transgender and gender expansive students. Creating a safe and inclusive environment is vital, and being able to provide that support is incredibly meaningful. It's great to hear that you are actively working to support your stepchild who recently identified as transgender, and I'm sure your dedication to learning and supporting these students will make a positive impact.

Response 6 - Cynthia:

Hi Cynthia, I agree with you that one thing that stood out in this course is the emotional challenges that come with being a counselor. It can be emotionally draining to have the responsibility of reporting suspected child abuse, and even when there may not be actual abuse, the need to report for the sake of safety is important. It's also true that working with students with disabilities requires additional support and resources. Gaining more knowledge and insight into FERPA and Title IX would definitely be helpful in ensuring that you are following the law and protecting student rights. It's great that you want to explore these topics further to make sure you are providing the best support possible.

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