Spirituality In Nursing Practice

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1. The integration of spirituality in healthcare provision has gained popularity today more than ever. This improves patient outcomes by ensuring that patients receive holistic care. There are various tools available for assessing and evaluating spirituality. One of these tools is FICA Spiritual Assessment Tool. It is widely utilized in healthcare to address the spiritual needs of patients. FICA, which stands for faith, meaning or belief, the importance of spirituality on an individual's life, the spiritual community, and practices, aims to identify patients' beliefs, practices, and values and their impact on health and healing (Puchalski, 2021). It promotes non-judgmental and open-ended dialogue between patients and their providers.

The other tool is HOPE questions which provide a framework where nurses can explore and understand patients' source of hope and personal spirituality (Puchalski, 2021). It emphasizes the provision of patient-centered and integrated care. Another widely used tool is the Spiritual Wellbeing Scale (SWBS). SWBS consists of existential and religious well-being. Religious well-being is concerned with the individual's religious beliefs. Existential well-being addresses factors like the individual's purpose in life. This tool facilitates the provision of patient-centred care to help meet the individual's unique spiritual needs.  

Nurses can use the Edmonton Symptom Assessment System (ESAS). ESAS tool for spiritual well-being assesses the spiritual well-being of patients with serious illnesses (Alvarenga et al., 2022). The tool assists in evaluating aspects such as tiredness, pain, shortness of breath, drowsiness, nausea, appetite, anxiety, and depression. Patients rate their spirituality on a scale of 0 to 10, with lower scores indicating a low sense of well-being. Nurses can also use the Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy - Spiritual Wellbeing tool. FACIT-Sp is designed explicitly for assessing patients with chronic diseases (Alvarenga et al., 2022). It provides information on how spirituality influences their quality of life. It evaluates various aspects of spirituality, including peace, meaning, relationship with God, and faith. 

In conclusion, integrating spirituality in nursing care is essential to ensure comprehensive care that meets the needs of patients. Assessment of spirituality ensures that nurses provide holistic care. It ensures that nurses embrace the importance of spiritual well-being. Spiritual well-being is vital in ensuring that the patient develops emotional resilience (Alvarenga et al., 2022). This contributes to the overall health and quality of life. In addition, spiritual assessment strengthens the relationship between the patient and the nurse. It increases patients’ trust in the provider because it makes them feel valued and supported, which improves collaboration and communication.


By using spiritual assessment tools like FICA, HOPE questions, SWBS, ESAS, and FACIT-Sp, nurses can gain a better understanding of their patient's beliefs, values, and practices, and how these factors contribute to their overall well-being. This knowledge allows nurses to tailor their care plans to meet the unique needs of each patient, ensuring that spiritual care is integrated effectively into their healthcare journey.

Furthermore, conducting spiritual assessments can also help nurses identify any potential barriers or challenges that patients may be facing in their spiritual lives. This information allows nurses to provide appropriate support and resources to help patients address these issues and find the spiritual guidance they need.

In addition to improving patient outcomes, the integration of spirituality in healthcare also benefits healthcare providers. Understanding and addressing the spiritual needs of patients can lead to better job satisfaction and reduced burnout among nurses. When nurses are able to provide holistic care that encompasses the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of their patient's lives, they feel a greater sense of fulfillment and purpose in their work.

Overall, the integration of spirituality in healthcare provision is crucial for ensuring comprehensive and patient-centered care. By utilizing spiritual assessment tools, nurses can better understand their patients' spiritual well-being and provide the support and resources they need to achieve optimal health outcomes. This holistic approach to care not only improves patient satisfaction and overall quality of life but also enhances the professional satisfaction and fulfillment of healthcare providers.

Part Two

2. As nursing professionals, some of the tools that we can use to assess spirituality are, first of all, conducting a spiritual interview. Through this interview, as an evaluation tool in which a structured conversation with the patient is carried out, we will evaluate her spirituality. We will investigate and evaluate aspects such as religious beliefs, religious practice, the meaning of life and faith, as well as the impact of the disease on the spirituality of the patient. In turn, we can apply the Jarel Spirituality Scale, which as mentioned (Serna, 2020) is an evaluation tool consisting of 12 items that evaluate the spiritual dimension of the patient's life. Items include belief in God or a higher power, religious practice, relationship with the religious community, meaning of life, and inner peace.

It is also feasible to use the WHOQOL Spiritual Well-Being Scale (World Health Organization Spiritual Well-Being Scale). This assessment tool measures the spiritual dimension of the patient's quality of life (Nervi, 2020). It consists of 3 items that evaluate satisfaction with spiritual life, connection with something bigger than oneself, and the search for meaning and meaning. We can also apply questionnaires to obtain and evaluate the patient's spirituality, such as the Paloutzian and Ellison Spiritual Well-being Questionnaire (Serna, 2020). This Paloutzian and Ellison Spiritual Well-Being Questionnaire is an assessment tool that assesses four dimensions of spirituality: personal experience of the sacred, sense of community and relationship with others, attitude toward life, and religious practice.

It is important that we consider that the choice of the spirituality assessment tool will depend on the clinical situation and the needs of the patient. In general, it is important that nurses routinely assess a patient's spirituality and use appropriate tools to accurately assess it (Nervi, 2020). This topic has marked relevance since carrying out a correct evaluation of the patient's spirituality allows the care provided to improve. And it is that this allows us nurses to understand the unique perspective of the patient on his health and her well-being. By considering the patient's spirituality as an important aspect of her care, the nurse can provide more comprehensive and personalized care. Clinical experience, as mentioned by (Rousseau, 2020) supports that spirituality guides the behavior of people in relation to the experience of their illness and decision-making in health, both in physical and psychological care.


Assessing spirituality in nursing practice is crucial for providing holistic and patient-centered care. One of the tools that can be used is conducting a spiritual interview with the patient. This interview allows nurses to explore the patient's religious beliefs, practices, and the impact of their illness on their spirituality. The Jarel Spirituality Scale is another useful tool that consists of 12 items to evaluate the patient's spiritual dimension. These items cover various aspects such as belief in a higher power, religious practices, and inner peace. Additionally, the WHOQOL Spiritual Well-Being Scale can be used to measure the spiritual dimension of the patient's quality of life. This scale assesses satisfaction with spiritual life, connection with something greater than oneself, and the search for meaning and purpose.

Questionnaires, such as the Paloutzian and Ellison Spiritual Well-being Questionnaire, can also be utilized to evaluate a patient's spirituality. This questionnaire assesses four dimensions of spirituality including personal experience of the sacred, sense of community and relationship with others, attitude towards life, and religious practice.

It is important for nurses to regularly assess a patient's spirituality and select appropriate assessment tools based on the patient's clinical situation and needs. By doing so, nurses can gain a better understanding of the patient's unique perspective on health and well-being. This in turn allows for more comprehensive and personalized care. Spirituality plays a significant role in guiding patients' behavior and decision-making regarding their health. Therefore, recognizing and addressing spirituality can lead to more effective and meaningful healthcare interventions.

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WriterSearch.com (May 14, 2024) Spirituality In Nursing Practice. Retrieved from https://writersearch.com/questions/spirituality-in-nursing-practice/.
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"Spirituality In Nursing Practice." WriterSearch.com - Accessed May 14, 2024. https://writersearch.com/questions/spirituality-in-nursing-practice/
"Spirituality In Nursing Practice." WriterSearch.com [Online]. Available: https://writersearch.com/questions/spirituality-in-nursing-practice/. [Accessed: May 14, 2024]

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