The Ethical Pursuit of Results and Sustainability in Modern Organizations: A Case Study of Highpoint Industries

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The Consultant's Quiet Reflection

You are a leadership and organizational development consultant. You utilize your expertise with various entities during your consulting career. You have just been assigned to work providing input and support for a company called Highpoint Industries. Highpoint Industries is a manufacturing company that manufactures, sells, markets and delivers high-quality, portable basketball rims and backboard sets. Highpoint has been known for its high levels of quality and has been around for approximately twenty years and has been known for its high levels of quality. They have captured a unique space in the market in that their rims and backboards are uniquely affordable yet still of high quality. Many of the customers at this point have come due to word of mouth.

With that said, there is a bit of trouble in paradise. The greatest concerns appear to be coming from inside. There are approximately 100 employees in this company. Almost half of those employees are involved in manufacturing, while the other half focuses on marketing and sales. While the manufacturing side appears to be in good shape, the fifty or so employees running the company appear to be struggling as of late. The CEO has brought you in to discuss some of the challenges.

Darleen Simpson is the President of Highpoint Industries. She has called you in because she recognizes from a systems standpoint that the organizational culture simply isn't what it used to be. You have only had several meetings with her, but you have taken copious notes and been very clear about some of the issues and challenges she has brought to your attention. Of greatest concern at this point appears to be somewhat of a disconnect between the pursuit of results and the ethical treatment of others. Most notably, you recall a story that Darleen shared with you wherein several high-level executives sought to significantly reduce the manufacturing staff team by outsourcing major portions of the business. While this approach may have had some short-term advantages, Darleen was a bit dubious about the decision. Although she still hadn't decided yet about the opportunity, she was worried that in such a small but productive company,, the significant reduction of staff on that side of the business might lead to some disconnect in owning the entire process. She also worried that by firing that many employees, the community might suffer,, and the goodwill that Highpoint had developed might be somewhat hindered. But she hadn't decided whether that challenge was representative enough of an issue to keep her from taking action. Between that decision point and the fact that overall, the company's management, marketing, and sales side just didn't seem as productive as they should be, Darleen recognizes that she needs your help.

Please write a scholarly essay playing the role of a business consultant. In this reflective essay, we would like you to prepare to work with Darleen on these important and somewhat elusive challenges. Your work should come in the form of a formal APA paper. Please consider the below questions in writing your assignment.

  • Component 1: How important is the pursuit of results in a modern organization?
  • Component 2: What role does finding an ethical balance (or imperative) have in modern business today?
  • Component 3: How should organizations work today to be sustainable for tomorrow? What cultural considerations do they need to keep in mind?

Please ensure in executing this assignment that you make specific references to the readings provided as well as the utilization of at least five outside references which can be used to support your ideas presented. The use of outside sources is important because even though the materials provided for this course are excellent, as a graduate student you are expected to be able to consult a variety of sources regarding a given topic and synthesize that scholarly input into a thoughtful set of recommendations, conclusions, etc.

The essay should be 2000- words and should include at least five (5) citations. The sections should be clearly marked with headings so that your instructor knows which points you are addressing. Follow the guidelines for APA writing style. The title page and references page do not count towards the minimum word amount for this assignment.

Sample Essay


Highpoint Industries, a renowned manufacturer of high-quality, portable basketball rims and backboard sets, faces internal challenges that threaten its organizational culture and overall performance. As a leadership and organizational development consultant, this paper aims to address the issues presented by the company's president, Darleen Simpson, and propose solutions based on scholarly research and industry best practices. The paper will focus on three main components: the importance of results pursuit in a modern organization, the role of ethical balance in today's business, and the strategies for organizations to be sustainable and culturally considerate for the future.

Component 1: The Importance of Results Pursuit in a Modern Organization

Pursuing results is paramount for any organization's survival and growth in the current competitive business environment. Despite its reputation for quality and affordability, Highpoint Industries is not immune to this reality. The company's management, marketing, and sales teams must be result-oriented to maintain their market position and ensure its continued success (Kaplan & Norton, 1996). However, the pursuit of results should not compromise the ethical standards and the welfare of the employees, as it could lead to detrimental effects on the organizational culture and overall performance (Cameron & Quinn, 2011).

Component 2: The Role of Ethical Balance in Modern Business

Ethical balance plays a crucial role in modern business. Organizations that uphold ethical standards tend to have a positive reputation, increased customer loyalty, and improved employee satisfaction (Trevino & Nelson, 2014). In the case of Highpoint Industries, the proposed outsourcing of major portions of the business raises ethical concerns. While it may lead to short-term financial gains, the potential negative impact on the employees and the community could harm the company's reputation and long-term sustainability. Therefore, it is essential for Highpoint Industries to find an ethical balance that aligns with its business objectives and stakeholders' interests.

Component 3: Sustainability and Cultural Considerations for Modern Organizations

For organizations to be sustainable, they need to adopt strategies that promote economic viability, environmental responsibility, and social equity (Elkington, 1997). Highpoint Industries, a manufacturing company, is responsible for minimizing its environmental footprint and contributing positively to the community. Moreover, the company must maintain a healthy organizational culture that values its employees and promotes ethical business practices. This involves creating an environment that encourages open communication, mutual respect, and shared values (Schein, 2010).


In conclusion, Highpoint Industries, like any modern organization, must balance pursuing results with ethical considerations while striving for sustainability. This involves making strategic decisions that contribute to the company's financial success, uphold its ethical standards, protect the environment, and promote a positive organizational culture. By doing so, Highpoint Industries can overcome its current challenges and ensure its long-term success in the competitive market.


Cameron, K. S., & Quinn, R. E. (2011). Diagnosing and changing organizational culture: Based on the competing values framework. John Wiley & Sons.

Elkington, J. (1997). Cannibals with forks: The triple bottom line of 21st-century business. Capstone.

Kaplan, R. S., & Norton, D. P. (1996). Using the balanced scorecard as a strategic management system. Harvard business review, 74(1), 75-85.

Schein, E. H. (2010). Organizational culture and leadership (Vol. 2). John Wiley & Sons.

Trevino, L. K., & Nelson,K. A. (2014). Managing business ethics: Straight talk about how to do it right. John Wiley & Sons.

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WriterSearch.com (May 14, 2024) The Ethical Pursuit of Results and Sustainability in Modern Organizations: A Case Study of Highpoint Industries. Retrieved from https://writersearch.com/questions/the-ethical-pursuit-of-results-and-sustainability-in-modern-organizations-a-case-study-of-highpoint-industries/.
"The Ethical Pursuit of Results and Sustainability in Modern Organizations: A Case Study of Highpoint Industries." WriterSearch.com - May 14, 2024, https://writersearch.com/questions/the-ethical-pursuit-of-results-and-sustainability-in-modern-organizations-a-case-study-of-highpoint-industries/
WriterSearch.com June 24, 2023 The Ethical Pursuit of Results and Sustainability in Modern Organizations: A Case Study of Highpoint Industries., viewed May 14, 2024,<https://writersearch.com/questions/the-ethical-pursuit-of-results-and-sustainability-in-modern-organizations-a-case-study-of-highpoint-industries/>
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"The Ethical Pursuit of Results and Sustainability in Modern Organizations: A Case Study of Highpoint Industries." WriterSearch.com - Accessed May 14, 2024. https://writersearch.com/questions/the-ethical-pursuit-of-results-and-sustainability-in-modern-organizations-a-case-study-of-highpoint-industries/
"The Ethical Pursuit of Results and Sustainability in Modern Organizations: A Case Study of Highpoint Industries." WriterSearch.com [Online]. Available: https://writersearch.com/questions/the-ethical-pursuit-of-results-and-sustainability-in-modern-organizations-a-case-study-of-highpoint-industries/. [Accessed: May 14, 2024]

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