
Windshield Survey Example

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Updated on: May 7, 2024

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I. Introduction

A Windshield Survey Example is a vital tool in community assessment, providing a visual overview of a community's conditions and trends. Conducting a Windshield Survey is essential in public health, as it helps identify community needs, assets, and challenges. According to the Community Tool Box, a Windshield Survey is a "quick and dirty" way to assess a community's needs and resources (Community Tool Box, n.d.). This article will delve into the world of Windshield Surveys, exploring its definition, purpose, benefits, and steps to conducting an effective survey.

II. What is a Windshield Survey?

A Windshield Survey is a type of community assessment that involves observing and recording the physical environment, social characteristics, and community resources from a vehicle (Studocu, n.d.). This survey provides a snapshot of a community's conditions, helping identify areas of strength and weakness. The purpose of a Windshield Survey is to gather data on a community's housing, economy, transportation, education, healthcare, and social services (WCCNet, 2022). The benefits of conducting a Windshield Survey include identifying community needs, developing targeted interventions, and evaluating program effectiveness.

III. Community Assessment Tools

Community assessment tools, including Windshield Surveys, are essential in public health. These tools help identify community needs, prioritize interventions, and allocate resources effectively. According to the World Health Organization, community assessment is a critical step in developing effective public health policies and programs (WHO, 2018). Windshield Surveys, in particular, provide a comprehensive understanding of a community's environment, social determinants, and health outcomes.

IV. Conducting a Windshield Survey

Conducting a Windshield Survey involves several steps: (1) define the survey area, (2) identify data collection tools, (3) observe and record data, and (4) analyze and interpret data. When conducting a Windshield Survey, it is essential to consider factors such as safety, cultural sensitivity, and data quality (Jiansalcedoportfolio, 2012). Effective data collection involves observing the physical environment, social characteristics, and community resources, including housing, transportation, education, healthcare, and social services.

V. Windshield Survey Template and Examples

A Windshield Survey template typically includes sections on demographics, housing, economy, transportation, education, healthcare, and social services. Sample Windshield Survey templates and examples can be found online, providing a starting point for community assessors (WCCNet, 2022). Analyzing and interpreting Windshield Survey data involves identifying trends, patterns, and correlations between variables.

VI. Environmental Scan and Neighborhood Survey

An environmental scan and neighborhood survey are related concepts to Windshield Surveys. An environmental scan involves analyzing a community's internal and external environment, including its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis). A neighborhood survey, on the other hand, involves collecting data on a specific geographic area, including demographic, social, and economic characteristics.

VII. Community Health Assessment and Health Improvement Planning

Community health assessment and health improvement planning are critical steps in public health. A Windshield Survey is an essential tool in community health assessment, providing data on a community's health outcomes, risk factors, and health systems. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, community health assessment is a critical step in developing effective health improvement plans (CDC, 2020).

VIII. Conclusion

In conclusion, a Windshield Survey Example is a vital tool in community assessment, providing a comprehensive understanding of a community's conditions and trends. Conducting a Windshield Survey involves several steps, including defining the survey area, identifying data collection tools, observing and recording data, and analyzing and interpreting data. The importance of Windshield Surveys in community assessment and public health cannot be overstated.


CDC. (2020). Community Health Assessment. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Community Tool Box. (n.d.). Section 21. Windshield and Walking Surveys. Community Tool Box.

Jiansalcedoportfolio. (2012). Windshield Survey.

Studocu. (n.d.). Nursing Windshield Survey. Studocu.

WCCNet. (2022). Windshield Survey Model. WCCNet.

WHO. (2018). Community-based initiatives. World Health Organization.

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